Life, Health (Medicare and Exchange), Keyman, Buy Sell Funding, 401Ks even for Sole Propirators and Annuities.
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BE SAFE: Here is advice from the CDC:
INSURANCE IS CONFUSING. We can help!. If you are looking for Medicare Insurance DO NOT CALL A FRIEND TO SEE WHAT THEY HAVE!! This is not like buying a washing machine. It is much more individualized than that. Mistakes can be difficult to fix. Let us guide you.
Health Insurance from basic to Medicare is in transition. It is our job to keep up and help you get what is best for you. Life insurance pays the mortgage and protects the family OR it has many business uses as well. ( Buy Sell funding, Executive Bonuses, etc.) Small business but would like a 401K? SURE. Even if you are a sole propriator. For information call Yvette 214-675-1358
So many ways to make a mistake and enroll in the wrong plan for you. I can help you avoid the permanent penalties that come with some mistakes. Turn off your phone and throw out the 5 pounds of mail a day you get that is so very confusing. I will educate you on how the system works so you can choose the right KIND of insurance. The carrier is the last thing to consider. Consultaions at no cost to you. Call me. Alex 972-241-9440.
The Federal Reserve’s Key Meeting Dates in 2024
This article outlines the Federal Reserve’s three main objectives and provides the meeting schedule of the Federal Open Market Committee.
ESG Investing in the Spotlight
This article explains environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing and its potential effect on portfolio performance.
It’s Complicated: Inheriting IRAs and Retirement Plans
The SECURE Act of 2019 dramatically changed the rules governing how IRA and retirement plan assets are distributed to beneficiaries.
Extreme Weather and Your Home Insurance: How to Navigate the Financial Storm
Many insurance companies have begun to raise rates, restrict coverage, or stop selling policies in high-risk areas.
Cash Flow Analysis
This Cash Flow Analysis form will help you weigh your income vs. your expenses.
LTCI Cost of Waiting
Estimate the potential cost of waiting to purchase a long-term care insurance policy.
Retirement Plan Early Distribution
Estimate how much would remain after paying income taxes and penalties if you took an early distribution from a retirement plan.